
Showing posts from April, 2020

Still Risen, Now Go - April 26, 2020

This message is the final message from our Luke series. We see a risen Jesus blessing his friends with the peace of God, and commissioning them to go and share the message he taught: Go preach about repentance and forgiveness. The reason we chose to go through Luke can be found in the introduction to the book of Luke : Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word . With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, s o that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught. Luke gives us an account we can trust. Let that help you in your faith today. Once again, we'd like to remind you that the videos after the posted videos are also for your enjoyment each week. Only the first video is w...

The Road to Emmaus - April 19, 2020

Welcome! It was a beautiful day when we were able to record, so we worked around most of the sounds of chainsaws and neighborhood life, and recorded from the church. What's really incredible about this passage in Luke ( Luke 24:13-35 ) is that the two people that Jesus was spending time with knew everything that Jesus spoke of prior to that weekend, could recite it to him in that moment, but didn't recognize him in that moment or the totality of what Jesus just accomplished over the previous days. What happens after they have their eyes opened to Jesus is remarkable. They have to share the good news with someone, starting with their closest friends. Let this be a lesson for us: Don't just memorize the facts of Jesus. Know Jesus and the way of Jesus. Then let your hearts overflow with joy so that you have to share it with someone. We've had a few questions about if any of the videos after the posted videos are also recommended viewing. Only the first v...

Easter Sermon - April 12, 2020

We all get "good things amnesia" from time to time. It's easy to get distracted by the struggles and the legitimate awful things that can happen in our lives. There is hope, though. His name is Jesus. The cross shows his love. The empty tomb proves that his love wins over everything, even our sin, even death. What does this mean for us, if our savior loves us so much that sin and death can't even hold him down? Celebrate a risen Savior today. Because he lives, we live. Click here for the scripture we're reading through today. We've had a few questions about if any of the videos after the posted videos are also recommended viewing. Only the first video is what we intend to share. Anything else is a suggestion by Youtube based on algorithms. Typically, we will post the sermon video and then a few songs to accompany the message. We can't control any ads, but we're doing our best to make sure we can minister to you during this time and provide m...

Good Friday Sermon - April 10, 2020

To paraphrase JR Vassar, "Jesus has to be more than a good man having a bad Friday." There's something beautiful to be found when we acknowledge the absolute unjust messiness of the cross and the what led up to it. The only way that the cross isn't a complete tragedy is if there was an intent behind it from Jesus. The good news is that there was. We give thanks for the cross and for Jesus this Friday. We've had a few questions about if any of the videos after the posted videos are also recommended viewing. Only the first video is what we intend to share. Anything else is a suggestion by Youtube based on algorithms. Typically, we will post the sermon video and then a few songs to accompany the message. We can't control any ads, but we're doing our best to make sure we can minister to you during this time. Thank you. Lead Me To The Cross, by Hillsong UNITED   Old Rugged Cross, performed by Alan Jackson If you want to reach us, click he...

Passover Through Jesus - April 5, 2020

We're into our third week where we can't gather together at our physical church site, so we've had to find other ways to study God's word, communicate and gather together. We're a small church that's trying our best to do just that. Thank you for joining us online. This is the sermon from April 5, 2020. Click here to read Luke 22:1-38 . Click here to read the corresponding text from Matthew or Mark . We've been including a song the past two weeks, this week, we'll include two. We have a great a wonderful God who is more loving, more beautiful than we can fathom. We can stand amazed at thsi reality as he has provided a way for us to know him through Jesus. The first song is Jimmy Needham's version of I Stand Amazed. Okay, so maybe three songs. But this next one is a two for one from Cross Worship. We can join into worship with all of creation to a Creator. We can trust Jesus will bring us through anything. If you're interest...