Good Friday Sermon - April 10, 2020

To paraphrase JR Vassar, "Jesus has to be more than a good man having a bad Friday." There's something beautiful to be found when we acknowledge the absolute unjust messiness of the cross and the what led up to it. The only way that the cross isn't a complete tragedy is if there was an intent behind it from Jesus.

The good news is that there was.

We give thanks for the cross and for Jesus this Friday.

We've had a few questions about if any of the videos after the posted videos are also recommended viewing. Only the first video is what we intend to share. Anything else is a suggestion by Youtube based on algorithms. Typically, we will post the sermon video and then a few songs to accompany the message. We can't control any ads, but we're doing our best to make sure we can minister to you during this time. Thank you.

Lead Me To The Cross, by Hillsong UNITED

Old Rugged Cross, performed by Alan Jackson

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