1 John 2:1-11 - Dear Children, Part 1

We had a windy and warm day for our lake service as we started 1 John 2 this week. We thank Otoniel Rodriguez for coming to the park and helping us with musical worship, and all of the campground who joined us for Sunday's worship service.

As we look at the scripture this week, we see this metaphor of God being light expanded, and the invitation extended to follow Jesus, allowing him to be our advocate to the Father. When we do this, it allows the truth to shine on areas of our lives that keep us from a closeness to God, from community with one another, and ultimately from joy...and it allows God to work in those areas and reconcile us into a right relationship with him and those around us. John is emphasizing the need for the believer to walk in the light of God, even when it exposes our sin.

We love better when we don't have things to hide, and we can walk in a fuller joy with God when we are honest with ourselves.

To follow along with the main text of scripture this week, click here.

To message us with prayer requests or questions, click here.

We're back to our regular service time of 10:30AM at Blomkest Baptist Church at 204 Main Street South in Blomkest this Sunday!


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