Acts 4: Prayerful and United - May 31, 2020

Greetings, the following is a message from Pastor Jeff:

It's been a tough few months for a lot of us. We miss meeting together. Some of us have been sick. Some of us have had financial hardships. Some of us are tired of being overwhelmed by news coverage. We miss how things were and want to get back together. (Info on that here)

This week has seen tragedy in Minnesota, as we saw a man killed in Minneapolis by a police officer, and the unrest that followed and spread throughout the country.

Information has been coming at us from all angles, some true, some false, and all of it at once. It's exhausting, it's frustrating, a lot of people are anxious and a lot of people need hope right now.

Through my job as chaplain with United Campus Ministry, I meet and work with a lot of young men of color. They are often up here to pursue an education while applying their talents in athletics to earn a scholarship to go on to more education. I hear a lot of their concerns, and the concerns of their families when thinking about this week's events. 

I've heard mothers give "the talk" to their sons more times than I care to recount. "The talk" involves being careful just because of your skin color and being in an environment that doesn't share your culture, color, or sometimes your best interest just because you're different or the minority. I've heard dozens of "be careful's" over the years. It breaks me a little each time I hear it.

I can only imagine the pain behind the mother's voice for having to extend that warning. The generations of mistrust, the generations of hurt, the generations of "oh no, not again."

Church, we are called to love, and to pray and to serve. We need to listen in these moments to people who are hurting and be part of the solution. Pray for boldness from the Holy Spirit, just like we're going to hear about from Acts 4. We can love people and make a difference. 

Thank you for walking out your faith.

- Jeff

Once again, we'd like to remind you that only the first video posted is what we intend to share. Anything else that follows each video is a suggestion by Youtube based on algorithms. Typically, we will post the sermon video and then a few songs to accompany the message. We can't control any ads, but we're doing our best to make sure we can minister to you during this time. Thank you.

God Of This City, performed by Chris Tomlin

It Is Well With My Soul, performed by Anthem Lights

Love Came Down, By Brian Johnson


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